#!/bin/bash PROJECT_ROOT=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) VERSION=$(grep 'version =' $PROJECT_ROOT/pyproject.toml | head -1 | cut -d '"' -f 2) INIT_FILE="$PROJECT_ROOT/${REPO_NAME_SNAKE}/${REPO_NAME_SNAKE}/__init__.py" PYPROJECT_FILE="$PROJECT_ROOT/pyproject.toml" # Modify the CLI line to remove quotes in pyproject.toml sed -i.bak "s/\"${REPO_NAME_SNAKE}\" = \"${REPO_NAME_SNAKE}\.cli:run\"/${REPO_NAME_SNAKE} = \"${REPO_NAME_SNAKE}\.cli:run\"/" $PYPROJECT_FILE && \ rm "$PYPROJECT_FILE.bak" # Check if __init__.py file exists for template purposes # This can be removed now that the template is cloned if [ ! -f "$INIT_FILE" ]; then echo "__init__.py does not exist yet, exiting." exit 0 fi # Portable workaround for macOS/Linux sed differences sed -i.bak "s/__version__ = .*/__version__ = \"$VERSION\"/" $INIT_FILE && \ rm "$INIT_FILE.bak"