extends layout.pug mixin icon(c, text) .columns.is-vcentered.is-mobile .column.is-narrow span.icon.is-large i.fa-3x(class=c) .column #{text} block title if doc h1 #{config.siteTitle} | Confirm Account else h1 #{config.siteTitle} | Confirmation Link Invalid block content if doc if doc.expiry > new Date().getTime() +icon('fas fa-smile-beam', `Hello ${doc._id}! Please set your password here.`) form(method='POST') .field label.label Password .control.has-icons-left input.input(type='password', name='password', placeholder='pa$$word!') span.icon.is-small.is-left i.fas.fa-lock .field .control input.button.is-primary(type='submit' value=`Join ${_CC.config.siteTitle}`) else +icon('fas fa-frown-open', 'Your confirmation link has expired. Please ask for a new one.') else +icon('fas fa-frown-open', "This confirmation link isn't valid, perhaps the account was deleted or some characters at the end got cut off?")