# christmas-community ![Version: 0.1.0](https://img.shields.io/badge/Version-0.1.0-informational?style=flat-square) ![Type: application](https://img.shields.io/badge/Type-application-informational?style=flat-square) ![AppVersion: 1.30.1](https://img.shields.io/badge/AppVersion-1.30.1-informational?style=flat-square) A Helm chart for Kubernetes ## Install ``` helm repo add helm install christmas-community /christmas-community ``` ## Values | Key | Type | Default | Description | |-----|------|---------|-------------| | affinity | object | `{}` | | | env.BULMASWATCH | string | `"default"` | `Any theme from https://jenil.github.io/bulmaswatch` | | env.DB_EXPOSE_PORT | string | `""` | `Expose the internal PouchDB with CouchDB API and Fauxton browser. Mostly used for debugging. Leave empty to disable.` | | env.DB_PREFIX | string | `"dbs/"` | `Where to store databases, can be a CouchDB compatible server or directory.` | | env.DEFAULT_FAILURE_REDIRECT | string | `"/login"` | `Where to send someone if they need to log in` | | env.LANGUAGE | string | `"en-US"` | `Language of the interface, options listed in languages directory` | | env.LISTS_PUBLIC | bool | `false` | `Set to false to allow viewing wishlists without logging in` | | env.MARKDOWN | bool | `false` | `Allow Markdown in item notes. Does not work with TABLE=false.` | | env.PFP | bool | `true` | `Set to false to disable the profile pictures feature` | | env.PROXY_SERVER | string | `""` | `Proxy to send item data requests to. Leave empty to disable.` | | env.ROOT_PATH | string | `"/"` | `The root path for forms, CSS, and a small amount of JS. Useful when proxying` | | env.SECRET | string | `""` | `Secret string to store session cookies with. Automatically generated if not provided.` | | env.SESSION_MAX_AGE | int | `604800000` | `How long a user is logged in (milliseconds). Defaults to one week.` | | env.SHORT_TITLE | string | `"Christmas"` | `Used when shared to home screen` | | env.SINGLE_LIST | bool | `false` | `Set to true to not allow users to have their own lists. You may want this for a birthday or wedding.` | | env.SITE_TITLE | string | `"Christmas Community"` | `The name of the site in the and navigation bar` | | env.SMILE | bool | `true` | `Convert Amazon links to Amazon Smile links. A percentage of the profit goes to a charity of buyer's choice.` | | env.TABLE | bool | `true` | `Defaults to true. Set to false for legacy cards view.` | | env.TRUST_PROXY | string | `"loopback"` | `Where to trust the X-Forwarded-For header from. Defaults to "loopback". Useful for proxying to docker.` | | env.UPDATE_CHECK | bool | `true` | `Set to false to disable update notices` | | fullnameOverride | string | `""` | | | image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | | | image.repository | string | `"wingysam/christmas-community"` | | | image.tag | string | `"1.30.1"` | | | imagePullSecrets | list | `[]` | | | ingress.annotations | object | `{}` | | | ingress.className | string | `""` | | | ingress.enabled | bool | `false` | | | ingress.hosts[0].host | string | `"chart-example.local"` | | | ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path | string | `"/"` | | | ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType | string | `"Prefix"` | | | ingress.tls | list | `[]` | | | nameOverride | string | `""` | | | nodeSelector | object | `{}` | | | persistence.enabled | bool | `false` | | | persistence.mountPath | string | `"/data"` | | | podAnnotations | object | `{}` | | | podSecurityContext | object | `{}` | | | replicaCount | int | `1` | | | securityContext | object | `{}` | | | service.port | int | `80` | | | service.type | string | `"ClusterIP"` | | | serviceAccount.annotations | object | `{}` | | | serviceAccount.create | bool | `true` | | | serviceAccount.name | string | `""` | | | tolerations | list | `[]` | | ---------------------------------------------- Autogenerated from chart metadata using [helm-docs v1.11.0](https://github.com/norwoodj/helm-docs/releases/v1.11.0)