2023-06-16 17:02:57 -07:00
import asyncio
import datetime
from functools import cache
from typing import Callable
from cryptography import x509
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from fastapi import Depends
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession
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from sqlmodel import and_
from sqlmodel import func
from sqlmodel import select
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from crowdtls.db import get_session
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from crowdtls.db import session_maker
from crowdtls.logs import logger
from crowdtls.models import AnomalyFlags
from crowdtls.models import AnomalyTypes
from crowdtls.models import Certificate
from crowdtls.models import CertificateAnomalyFlagsLink
from crowdtls.models import DomainCertificateLink
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from crowdtls.scheduler import app as schedule
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# When editing, also add anomaly types to database in db.py.
ANOMALY_HTTP_CODE = {"multiple_cas": 250, "short_lifespan": 251, "many_sans": 252}
def anomaly_scanner(priority: int):
def decorator(func: Callable):
ANOMALY_SCANNERS[func] = priority
return func
return decorator
async def check_certs_for_fqdn():
"""Check certificates for a given FQDN for anomalies."""
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
# Query for all certificates and domains which have at least 10 DomainCertificateLink entries for unexpired certificates.
query = (
select(DomainCertificateLink.fqdn, Certificate)
.join(Certificate, Certificate.fingerprint == DomainCertificateLink.fingerprint)
Certificate.not_valid_after > now,
Certificate.not_valid_before < now,
.group_by(DomainCertificateLink.fqdn, Certificate.fingerprint)
.having(func.count(DomainCertificateLink.fqdn) > 10)
async with session_maker() as session:
results = await session.execute(query)
if results:
for result in results.scalars().all():
yield {
"anomaly": "multiple_cas",
"details": f"Unusually high number of certificates for FQDN {result.fqdn}.",
"certificates": [cert.fingerprint for cert in result.certificates],
async def check_cert_lifespan():
"""Check the lifespan of a certificate."""
# Query for fingerprints of all unexpired certificates which have a lifespan of less than 3 weeks.
query = (
Certificate.not_valid_after - Certificate.not_valid_before < datetime.timedelta(weeks=3),
Certificate.not_valid_after > datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
Certificate.not_valid_before < datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
async with session_maker() as session:
results = await session.execute(query)
if results:
for result in results.scalars().all():
yield {
"anomaly": "short_lifespan",
"details": f"Unusually short lifespan for certificate {result.fingerprint}.",
"certificates": [result.fingerprint],
async def check_cert_sans():
"""Check the number of Subject Alternative Names (SANs) in a certificate."""
# Query for raw certificate data.
query = (
select(Certificate.fingerprint, Certificate.raw_der_certificate)
Certificate.not_valid_after > datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
Certificate.not_valid_before < datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
# Execute the query and iterate over the results. Load each certificate with
# x509 and yield for each result which has more than 8 SAN entries.
async with session_maker() as session:
results = await session.execute(query)
if results:
for result in results.scalars().all():
cert = x509.load_der_x509_certificate(result.raw_der_certificate)
if (num_sans := len(cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.SubjectAlternativeName).value)) > 80:
yield {
"anomaly": "many_sans",
"details": f"Unusually high number of SANs ({num_sans}) for certificate {result.fingerprint}.",
"certificates": [result.fingerprint],
async def get_anomaly_type(response_code: int):
async with session_maker() as session:
anomaly_type = await session.fetch_val(
query=select([AnomalyTypes]).where(AnomalyTypes.response_code == response_code)
return anomaly_type
async def create_anomaly_flag(anomaly, session: AsyncSession = Depends(get_session)):
"""Create a new AnomalyFlag in the database."""
anomaly_type = await get_anomaly_type(ANOMALY_HTTP_CODE[anomaly["anomaly"]])
async with session_maker() as session:
for fingerprint in anomaly["certificates"]:
await session.execute(
"certificate_fingerprint": fingerprint,
"anomaly_flag_id": anomaly_type.id,
"first_linked": datetime.utcnow(),
await session.execute(
"details": anomaly["details"],
"anomaly_type_id": anomaly_type.id,
"date_flagged": datetime.utcnow(),
await session.commit()
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2023-06-16 17:02:57 -07:00
@schedule.task("every 30 seconds")
async def find_anomalies():
"""Run all registered anomaly scanners in priority order"""
await asyncio.sleep(3)
for scanner, priority in sorted(ANOMALY_SCANNERS.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]):
logger.info(f"Running {scanner.__name__}")
async for anomaly in scanner():
logger.info(f"{scanner.__name__} found {anomaly['anomaly']}")
await create_anomaly_flag(anomaly)